There are four different types of learning styles and each child will have a particular style where they learn best. But what happens when the teacher isn’t teaching in their style?

Learning Styles

VARK is an acronym for the four types of learning styles: Visual, Auditory, Reading/Writing, and Kinesthetic. Your child will learn easiest when being taught lessons in his or her natural learning style, which is going to be in one of the VARK styles.

Visual: The visual method of learning involves watching and seeing things. Rather than showing just the word “bat” to a child, show a picture of a bat along with the word bat to teach how to spell the word.

Auditory: A student with an auditory style of learning will absorb more information by attending lectures, using mnemonic devices and repetition.

Reading and Writing: The learning style for this category is full of the students that love to take notes. They are always scribbling down information during lectures and will later translate their many notes of abstract ideas into essays and simpler written materials.

Kinesthetic: The kinesthetic learner absorbs more of the lesson when it is a hands-on experience. You might find them disassembling things and reassembling them to learn how they work.

Teacher’s Teaching Styles

Teachers are people, too, and they have their own learning style that will inevitably become their teaching style. It is unfortunate if the teacher doesn’t mix up their teaching styles in order to reach all students, but sometimes that can be the case.

If your child finds themselves in a situation where they simply don’t understand the material because of how it is presented, tutoring can be a huge help. At Lumen Learning Center we discover a child’s learning style during the intake assessment. We have the tutor teach to his or her learning style.