When you have a student that finds their high school classes very easy, it’s time to consider advanced high school classes. You must give careful consideration to this, as there could be a downside to AP classes in high school.

Advanced High School Classes

Advanced high school classes (aka AP classes) generate a lot of benefits for a student that plans to go to college. AP classes show that your child is ready to take on college level courses and can handle being challenged intellectually. But not all students are ready for a schedule full of advanced classes.

If your child needs to be challenged, then AP classes are the perfect solution. The classes are taught at a higher level than the average high school level and it’s free to enroll them, although there is a fee for the exams. What could go wrong?

Trouble can happen when the student takes on more than he or she can handle. A student that has found high school easy tends to find other ways to challenge themselves and stay busy. They might have a lot of club memberships, team sport obligations and other extra-curricular activities that they aren’t ready to give up. Suddenly, the child can feel overwhelmed.

Private Tutor

If your child wants to excel in a specific subject, then private tutoring might be a better choice for some students. Private tutoring keeps the control in your hands. You can add more classes if warranted or have fewer classes if your child becomes overwhelmed. You are in complete control.

Advanced Classes

When it’s time to look at advanced classes for high school subjects, you should thoroughly check out the AP classes at the high school. And also learn more about private tutoring for advanced classes at Lumen Learning Center. Give us a call for an appointment.