Kids have busy lives and sometimes find it difficult to dedicate the time needed to their studies, and that’s where an at-home tutor is such a blessing.

At-Home Tutor

When a child wants to excel in the subject matter and even jump far ahead of the level of the class, an at-home tutor will help accomplish that. The very intelligent child can easily become bored when the class is learning at a pace that is too slow. The at-home tutor can challenge them and quench that thirst for knowledge at a faster pace.

Lumen Learning Center has tutors families will employ in a variety of ways. The most popular is at-home learning. This is the most convenient way of studying with a tutor and the most comfortable. The parents schedule the tutor for a time that fits easily into the family’s busy schedule. This can be once per week or several times a week.

The tutor arrives at the appointed time and brings the lessons with him or her. The tutor and student will settle in in a quiet part of the home where they quickly begin focusing on the lessons of the day.

Another way to use a Lumen Learning tutor is by scheduling a time at the Lumen Learning Center. The parent will bring the student to the tutor’s classroom and the learning is done there.

Finally, there are classes for some subjects where the student learns in a classroom setting at Lumen Learning Center. While we don’t offer all subjects in this type of setting, it is common for English as a 2nd Language classes and some others.

Lumen Learning Center

Lumen Learning Center provides tutoring for both scenarios of getting caught up with the student’s lessons and providing accelerated learning for advanced students. If you’d like help with learning for your child, give us a call and we’ll schedule an appointment for you and your child to discuss learning needs.