The STEM abbreviation is really an acronym. An acronym is a word made from the first letters of words. This is a helpful way to shorten up long names of programs, so you don’t have to stumble saying the same long name over and over again. The short version makes it easier to listen to someone talking about the program. So, that being said, which words do the STEM letters represent?
STEM Acronym
The STEM Acronym is made up of the letters representing the words:
S is for Science
T is for Technology
E is for Engineering
M is for Math
STEM is a new way of teaching these subjects. Traditionally, all of those subject in a STEM program would have their own class and would be taught individually. But in a STEM program, all four of those exciting subjects are taught together. This program will show students how all of these subjects are working together at the same time in the real life workspace.
If you’re a mathematician then you’ll likely be working in a science or technology field. You’ll be using your math skill to help someone design a robot or launch a rocket into space safely. An engineer will also design that rocket with the help of math in order to accomplish a mission.
When you think about most jobs in the sciences, you’ll quickly realize that technology, engineering and math are all a part of the daily life of a science career.
One very exciting way to see STEM in action is to watch NASA Live. You’ll see how many times science, technology, engineering and math intersect. Watch NASA Live now to see how many different career paths are involved in the current mission in space. Here is a direct link to NASA Live. See how many different careers it takes to live each day in outer space.