Developing good study skills are the first step in learning. These are things that you turn into habits, so they are just part of your routine. You’ll be ready in both mind and body to study anytime and will get a lot more out of your lessons.

Study Skills

When you have a good set of study skills, learning is a lot easier. You will have an environment ready to focus and your attention stays on your lessons. Here are some skills that should be developed to make learning easier.


Some students get more out of their reading by playing loud music or having a white noise machine running. By having to block out that sound, it enhances their focus on what they are reading. This doesn’t work for everyone, however. Some students do better with quiet.


Repetition works well to let those lessons sink in. One trick that works very well is to teach your study material to another person. After you read a section of your lesson, teach it to another person immediately. This commits the information to memory. You’ll be amazed as how much you’ll remember after teaching it and explaining it to someone else, even if it is the dog.


Develop a routine to do a little bit of study five days per week. Always do your study before any fun time. If you play first then you’ll never do your studying. Let your relaxation and playtime be your reward for getting that small study time out of the way.

Flash Cards

When cramming for a test, get a group of students together to put on a “game show.” First, everyone writes flash cards. Secondly, play a Jeopardy style game with them. Learning is easy and much more effective when you have a lot of fun doing it.

Lumen Learning Center

Give us a call at Lumen Learning Center to help develop better study skills and boost your grades in school.