Did you know that Babylonians were the first to use multiplication tables more than 4000 years ago? However, it was the Chinese that first used the base 10 multiplication tables that we use today, from as early as 305 BC.

Multiplication is repeated addition, and there’s nothing complicated about it. It’s one way of repeatedly adding a number. Here are a handful of the tricks and tips you can use to help your child learn multiplication.

Tricks and Tips by Numbers

When multiplying by 2, always add the number by itself. For example, 2 x 5, add 5 + 5. The rule applies to any number you are multiplying by two.

When multiplying by 4, double the number, and then double again. For example, 4 x 6, double the six, which is 12, and then double the 12, which is 24.

The multiples of 8 pretty much follow the same rule. You double the number, then double it again, and double for the final time. For example 8 x 7, double the 7 to get 14. Double it again to get 28, and finally, double the 28 to get 56.

For the multiplication of 5, multiply the number by 10 and then cut it in half. The multiplication of 10 is the easiest as you only need to add the zero to the given number.

For example, 5 x 7, the multiplication of 7 by 10 is 70. When cut in half, it is 35. Therefore, the result of 5 x 7 is 35.

It gets even more interesting when dealing with the multiplication of 9. Well, you take the figure and multiply it with 10, and then minus the same figure from the result.

For example, 7 x 9, you multiply the seven by 10 to get 70. Subtract 7 from the 70 to get 63, and that is the answer. Try with any other number, and you will get the right answer. Sounds interesting, doesn’t it?