Could a writing tutor possibly solve a variety of academic challenges for your student? Most subjects see a benefit from improved writing skills. Whether your student is facing college essays soon or simply struggling with expressing reading comprehension through essays, improving content construction, grammar and spelling can enhance academic performance.

Writing Tutors Build Foundations

Writing tutors demonstrate how to present ideas and information in logical patterns, with cohesive structure and style. By improving grammar and spelling, work may be judged by merits of ideas expressed. This not only advances compositions in grades, but elevates expectations. Organization and strategic presentation of facts often help students drawn to STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) subjects and careers. While many students feel these areas don’t require strong writing, it’s essential to presenting hypotheses and creating logical, persuasive arguments.

Beyond advancing technical merits and academic rewards, writing tutors help students tap into deeper levels of comprehension and skills for expression. Simply put, writing tutors help students answer their own questions of, “What am I trying to say?” Instructors work from initial drafts, teaching students the benefits of revisions. Here, they drill down to key points beyond use of language pretense and clichés.

Lastly, writing instruction ushers in one of the most advanced and highly desired skills of writing: brevity. Turning initial thoughts into tight concepts shows a sophistication noticed both in standardized test scoring, as well as in the classroom environment.

Writing tutors advance skills from simply mediocre to compositions that stand out in a crowd of students. By learning key skills, students learn to attract engage, persuade and hold attention with their written communication. When you decide it’s time for your student to kick their writing into high gear, contact Lumen Learning. You’ll watch the words flow while grades improve.