English tutors often help students learning English as a second language. However, once the student achieves basic language mastery parents tend to limit or suspend the supplemental help. This becomes a dangerous gamble for a child’s academic career.

English Tutors Offer More Than a Foundation

While English tutors often work to bring a student’s language skills up from a deficit, advantages exist in continuing language instruction even after a child reaches their grade-level skills. While many assume that vocabulary and recognition alone boost a student’s success, skills in comprehension, writing and specialized subject vocabulary round out academic preparation, offering additional opportunities for achievement.

All students should experience a natural vocabulary expansion as they advance in coursework. A dual-language student who has mastered the basics of English vocabulary and grammar can often keep at or just under this pace. However, outside tutoring assistance triggers a richer subject understanding. In addition, while primary English language students may also struggle in structuring written arguments, students recently learning English balance this with their progressing vocabulary and comprehension. This often leaves a student frustrated due to the greater time required on their assignments.

Finally, additional English tutoring often uncovers language “masking” utilized by students to avoid exposing deficiencies. In these cases, students rely on language and phrases they are most comfortable with in written and oral exams. Additional language help assures that students are not just “getting by” but truly advancing their language skills.

A decision to add an English tutor for your child’s academic benefit almost always achieves and exceeds the desired results. If your student needs assistance from basic skills to advanced language mastery, contact the experts at Lumen Learning. Our professionals can determine the correct level and path for each student, designing a plan focused on success.